Tis' the Season of Giving - Community Crossroads


Tis’ The Season of Giving

From delivering turkey dinners to families in need to ‘giving trees’ places in different businesses around the community, Community Crossroads strives to give to families in need in creative and helpful ways during this time of year.

One of the ways we are able to give back to so many families is due to Kim Ocasio, the Executive Administrator at Ocasio’s True Martial Arts. Over 20 years ago, Oscasio’s has been helping us meet the needs of families in the community who need a dinner for their family. Director of Community Services Kelly Judson said people can individually sign up for these meals or members of our staff can suggest names of families who may be in need. Due to our determined and focused staff, we are able to know the families we work with enough to be able to tell if they are in a position where they could have some help around this time of year. Each year over 40 families receive turkey dinners thanks to Community Crossroads and Ocasio’s. 




Another way Community Crossroads helps around the holidays is with our Giving Trees. Currently placed in Enterprise Bank in Salem, Atkinson Academy, Pentucket Bank in Hampstead and TD Bank in Hampstead, these trees allow members of the community to give to those in need whether they are children or adults. The process works by numbers going on the giving tree with the request of a person of what they are asking for as a Christmas gift. A member of the community then purchases the gift and brings it back to the location they saw the tree. The names are confidential so members of the community don’t see the identity of the person but each person is corresponded with a number so we know who is receiving which gift. Kristine Houle said this process is effective because people can be specific regarding their gift and mention any sensory or other issues they may have. Our hope is this process leads to members of the community receiving gifts they find worthwhile. 

Santa’s Mailbox is another way we give around the holidays. Beginning just last year, Santa Claus has made Community Crossroads an official drop-off spot! By bringing cards and letters to Community Crossroads between now and December 17th, children can request gifts and Santa will make sure the Christmas wishes come true. 

Thanks to the dedication of our partners in the community, our staff and those within the community, we are able to make so many smiles during the Christmas season. 


